
Comparing two uploaded json files

I'm a beginner at coding and I'm trying to make a code to compare two uploaded .JSON files but I'm stuck as to how to get the value of the .JSON file.

If i use file1.value => its just showing the path of the file like C://fakepath//

I want to get the content of the files

Here is my code at the moment

    <input type="file" id="file1" name="file1">
      <input type="file" id="file2" name="file2">
      <button class="check">check</button>

      <div class="output-container">
        <pre id="output1"></pre>
        <pre id="output2"></pre>

const file1 = document.querySelector("#file1");
const file2 = document.querySelector("#file2");
const check = document.querySelector('.check');

check.addEventListener('click', compare);

// let json1, json2 = false;

file1.addEventListener("change", function () {
  let fr = new FileReader();
  const output1 = document.getElementById("output1");

  fr.onload = function () {
    output1.textContent = fr.result;


file2.addEventListener("change", function () {
  let fr = new FileReader();
  const output2 = document.getElementById("output2");

  fr.onload = function () {
    output2.textContent = fr.result;


function getDifference(o1, o2) {
  var diff = {};
  var tmp = null;
  if (JSON.stringify(o1) === JSON.stringify(o2)) return true;

  for (var k in o1) {
    if (Array.isArray(o1[k]) && Array.isArray(o2[k])) {
      tmp = o1[k].reduce(function(p, c, i) {
        var _t = getDifference(c, o2[k][i]);
        if (_t)
        return p;
      }, []);
      if (Object.keys(tmp).length > 0)
        diff[k] = tmp;
    } else if (typeof(o1[k]) === "object" && typeof(o2[k]) === "object") {
      tmp = getDifference(o1[k], o2[k]);
      if (tmp && Object.keys(tmp) > 0)
        diff[k] = tmp;
    } else if (o1[k] !== o2[k]) {
      diff[k] = o2[k]
  return diff;

// var d = getDifference(output1.textContent, output2.textContent);
// console.log(d);

// console.log(output1);
// console.log(output2.textContent); 


  • Once the user has set the input, you can dig into the file input to get the file contents like this:

    const f = document.querySelector("#file1")
    f.files[0].text().then((data) => {

    f.files might contain more than 1 item if you set the multiple attribute on the input. In your case, you just want the first item.

    You might also like to look into the File API


    Wrap your click handler into an async function:

    // Assign compare function to event listener
    const check = document.querySelector(".check");
    check.addEventListener('click', compare);
    const compare = async () => {
        // Get file inputs
        const file1 = document.querySelector("#file1");
        const file2 = document.querySelector("#file2");
        // Get the file contents by awaiting the promise to resolve
        const contents1 = await file1.files[0].text()
        const contents2 = await file2.files[0].text()
        const difference = getDifference(o1, o2)

    Here is a codesandbox of what it should look like in the end.