with vaadin 7 ( we are trying to migrate to v21, very, very, hard) we have this
CustomLayout cl1 = new CustomLayout(new ByteArrayInputStream("<fieldset><legend location='legend'></legend><div location='content'></div></fieldset>".getBytes()));
cl1.add(new Label(title), "legend");
cl1.add( panel, "content");
Basically is a panel with border and title-border How we can do this in vaadin flow v21
Thanks in advance
There's a Cookbook recipe that provides an alternative for CustomLayout: https://cookbook.vaadin.com/custom-layout
Essentially, the CustomLayout replacement class extends Html
in a fairly straightforward way. The add
method has most of the logic:
public class CustomLayout extends Html {
private Map<String, Component> locations = new HashMap<>();
public CustomLayout(String template) {
public CustomLayout(InputStream stream) {
public void add(Component child, String location) {
locations.put(location, child);
// Establish parent-child relationship, but leave DOM attaching to us
// Attach to the specified location in the actual DOM
getElement().executeJs("this.querySelector('[location=\"'+$0+'\"]').appendChild($1)", location,
// Ensure the element is removed from the DOM when it's detached
child.addDetachListener(detachEvent -> {
getElement().executeJs("this.querySelector && this.querySelector('[location=\"'+$0+'\"]').lastChild.remove()", location);
// Also clear the bookkeeping
locations.remove(location, child);
public void remove(String location) {
Component oldChild = locations.remove(location);
if (oldChild != null) {
public void remove(Component child) {
Note that it's important to do the bookkeeping with the locations
Map so that client-side elements get removed too after the parent is detached.