I am watching the following video
It is mentioned here that g++ will report an error for the following code:
struct S
std::vector<std::string> b ;
int main()
S s;
std::cout << typeid(S::b).name();
error: invalid use of non-static data member ‘S::b’
But I did not encounter this kind of error under msvc and clang. Who is right and why? And why is it changed to
Is the result correct afterwards?
Gcc is wrong (Bug 68604). S::b
is an id-expression referring to a non-static data member, which could be used only in unevaluated context. Gcc seems failing in taking this as unevaluated expression.
As the workaround you could:
std::cout << typeid(decltype(S::b)).name();
Note that in typeid(&S::b).name();
, &S::b
gives a pointer to member; the result is different with using S::b