I am using the SmartWizard plugin to create a wizard form to enter new user details. I have a custom "Submit" button that is supposed to be disabled until the user reaches Step 5, the last step of the form.
Via SmartWizard's leaveStep
function I should be able to track when the current slide changes to Step 5, but this turns out to be super unreliable and buggy. Half the time the button doesnt get activated when switching from Step 4 to Step 5, but then again gets activated when I switch from Step 5 back to Step 4. If I refresh and go from Step 1 > 2 > 3 > and reach 4, it doesnt activate.
Can anyone advise whats wrong here please?
selected: 0, // Initial selected step, 0 = first step
theme: 'default', // theme for the wizard, related css need to include for other than default theme
justified: true, // Nav menu justification. true/false
darkMode: false, // Enable/disable Dark Mode if the theme supports. true/false
autoAdjustHeight: true, // Automatically adjust content height
cycleSteps: false, // Allows to cycle the navigation of steps
backButtonSupport: true, // Enable the back button support
enableURLhash: false, // Enable selection of the step based on url hash
// onFinish: onFinishCallback,
// onCancel: onCancelCallback,
transition: {
animation: 'fade', // Effect on navigation, none/fade/slide-horizontal/slide-vertical/slide-swing
speed: '400', // Transion animation speed
easing: '' // Transition animation easing. Not supported without a jQuery easing plugin
toolbarSettings: {
toolbarPosition: 'bottom', // none, top, bottom, both
toolbarButtonPosition: 'center', // left, right, center
showNextButton: true, // show/hide a Next button
showPreviousButton: true, // show/hide a Previous button
toolbarExtraButtons: [
$('<button id="newUserSubmit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary-bordered" disabled><i class="fa fa-check mr-15"></i> Submit</button>')
] // Extra buttons to show on toolbar, array of jQuery input/buttons elements
anchorSettings: {
anchorClickable: false, // Enable/Disable anchor navigation
enableAllAnchors: false, // Activates all anchors clickable all times
markDoneStep: false, // Add done state on navigation
markAllPreviousStepsAsDone: true, // When a step selected by url hash, all previous steps are marked done
removeDoneStepOnNavigateBack: false, // While navigate back done step after active step will be cleared
enableAnchorOnDoneStep: true // Enable/Disable the done steps navigation
keyboardSettings: {
keyNavigation: true, // Enable/Disable keyboard navigation(left and right keys are used if enabled)
keyLeft: [37], // Left key code
keyRight: [39] // Right key code
lang: { // Language variables for button
next: 'Next >',
previous: '< Previous'
disabledSteps: [], // Array Steps disabled
errorSteps: [], // Highlight step with errors
hiddenSteps: [] // Hidden steps
LeaveStep event
$("#smartwizard").on("leaveStep", function(e, anchorObject, stepNumber, stepDirection, stepPosition) {
// enable Submit button only on last step
if (stepNumber == 4) {
$('#newUserSubmit').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$('#newUserSubmit').prop('disabled', true);
Edit: to clarify why the step counter in the code says 4
. SmartWizard counts the First Step as [0], Second Step as [1], Third Step as [2], etc. My Fifth and Final Step would be [4].
$(function () {
toolbarSettings: {
toolbarExtraButtons: [
$('<button id="submitButton" class="btn btn-info" disabled="disabled">Finish</button>')
}).on("stepContent", function (e, anchorObject, stepIndex, stepDirection) {
$('#submitButton').prop('disabled', stepIndex !== 3);
// the stepIndex value shows correct at "stepContent" event only ( may be it has some other functionality on other events )
// in this example there are 4 steps ( index starts with 0 ends with 3 )