I'm using clsx in a React application and I have an issue on how to use it when there are mappings and nested components.
For example:
return (
<button onClick={doSomething}>{isOpened ? <Component1 /> : <Component2 />}</button>
<div className={clsx(containerClasses)}>
{myData.map((item, index) =>
<OuterComponent as='div' key={item.name}>
{({ open }) =>
className={}// how to compute this value?
Above we have a returned JSX, an outer div element, a value isOpened
which comes from the state so we have access to it everywhere. This means we can implement the following containerClasses
const containerClasses = {
'class1 ': true,
'class2': isOpened,
'class3': !isOpened
All good until here.
But as you can see, there is myData.map(...)
which iterates through an array. Here, I would need to compute innerClasses
based on the value of open
. But this value is accessible just inside the loop, not outside the return and inside the function.
Is there a way to solve this problem with clsx?
const getClasses= (open) => {
return clsx({
[classes.class1]: open, // desired classname and condition
className={getClasses(open)} //call a method here