
How do I run this Bismark Bisulfite Sequencing program?

I am very new to coding so I'm not really sure how to approach this. I wanted to look at some data that we got and sequence them using Bismark. I already used Trim Galore to pare the reads, now I wanted to get the data into Bismark. However, I'm not exactly sure how to approach this. In the documentation it said that it required Perl to run so I downloaded Perl along with the Bismark zip file from github. I also downloaded the bowtie2 zip file and extracted both the zip files into the same directory. I then opened up the Perl command prompt and set the directory to one with my extracted folders. I put this line in:

> \bismark\bismark_genome_preparation --path_to_bowtie ^ 
    C:\Users\sevro\Documents\Lab_Code\bowtie2-master --verbose ^
The system cannot find the path specified.

I also tried this after changing the directory to the Bismark folder:

> perl bismark
Failed to execute Bowtie 2 porperly (return code of 'bowtie2 --version' was 256). 
Please install Bowtie 2 or HISAT2 first and make sure it is in the PATH, 
or specify the path to the Bowtie 2 with --path_to_bowtie2 /path/to/bowtie2, 
or --path_to_hisat2 /path/to/hisat2

I tried a few other things but all in all I am a bit confused on how exactly to approach this. Things I have downloaded right now:

Bismark zip file-

Bowtie2 zip file-

A genome assembly in .fa format

The data that I want to analyze in fasta format

Any insight would be helpful.


  • I think Bismark and bowtie2 only supports Linux and macOS natively. If you want to use bismark on Windows you can try install it via a *nix emulation systems like Cygwin, MSYS2, or simply use WSL. I tested this on Windows 11 with WSL with Ubuntu 20.04: