I've been testing connections to various mail servers and encountered a problem with AOL:
Notice: Unknown: Can't connect to internal-aol.imap.mail.g03.yahoodns.net,143: Timed out (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
Now this looks like it's a problem on their end however I haven't been able to confirm that this configuration (beyond my user name and pass word) are valid.
Here is the code I'm using to test the connection:
echo '<pre>';
//AOL "generate app password": https://login.aol.com/myaccount/security/app-password/
$user = '__user__';
$password = '__password__';
$server = '{imap.aol.com:143/imap/novalidate-cert}';
//$server = '{imap.aol.com:143/imap/ssl}';
$connection = imap_open($server, $user, $password);
if ($connection)
$mailboxes = imap_list($connection, $server,'*');
echo '<pre>AOL Mailboxes: ';print_r($mailboxes);echo '</pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Is the $server
valid and secure?
I've also tried {imap.aol.com:143/imap/ssl}
however that results in the following error:
Notice: Unknown: Can't connect to internal-aol.imap.mail.g03.yahoodns.net,143: Timed out (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
Also note that I've created and am using the "app password" as noted in the code.
The server address was wrong, the correct one is:
$server = '{imap.aol.com:993/imap/ssl}';