I want to do a GET request like that using the standard Ruby client net/http:
I'm trying to do it this way, where store_ids is an array of ids, but it is not working. If I pass a single id as a param for ids, the response is correct.
def get_stores_info
params = { ids: store_ids, offset: DEFAULT_OFFSET, limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT }
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri).body
result = JSON.parse response
You can transform store_ids
to string:
store_ids = [2,24,13]
params = { ids: store_ids.join(','), offset: 0, limit: 25 }
# these are to see that it works.
encoded = URI.encode_www_form(params) # => "ids=%5B2%2C+24%2C+13%5D&offset=0&limit=25"
CGI.unescape(encoded) # => ids=2,24,13&offset=0&limit=25
Here's a Replit.