
Replace BBCodes in HTML codes and vice versa

I have a sentence with BBCodes and I would like to replace it with HTML codes:

$sentence = '[html style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr"][div style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr"][p style="font-weight: bold;"]Hello,[/p][p]You have got a new message from [a href=""][/a][br][br].You could check your message on [a href=""]Manager[/a][/p][p][img src="" width="120px" height="80px"][div style="color: #D4192D; font-weight: bold;"] Team[/div][/p][/div][/html]';

$htmlTags = '<$1>$2</$3>';
$bbTags = '/\[(.*)\](.*)\[\/(.*)\]/'; 

$new = preg_replace($bbTags, $htmlTags, $sentence);
echo $new;

The output is:

<html style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr"][div style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr"][p style="font-weight: bold;"]Hello,[/p][p]You have got a new message from [a href=""][/a][br][br].You could check your message on [a href=""]Manager[/a][/p][p][img src="" width="120px" height="80px"][div style="color: #D4192D; font-weight: bold;"] Team[/div][/p][/div></html>

So it does not cover the whole sentence.

I do not want to place an array of codes with their replacements

PS: The sentence could be changed, from case to case basis


  • You can use the following PHP code:

    $sentence = '[html style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr"][div style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr"][p style="font-weight: bold;"]Hello,[/p][p]You have got a new message from [a href=""][/a][br][br].You could check your message on [a href=""]Manager[/a][/p][p][img src="" width="120px" height="80px"][div style="color: #D4192D; font-weight: bold;"] Team[/div][/p][/div][/html]';
    $rx = '~\[((\w+)\b[^]]*)\]((?>(?!\[\2\b).|(?R))*)\[\/\2]~s';
    $tmp = '';
    while (preg_match($rx, $sentence) && $tmp != $sentence) {
        $tmp = $sentence;
        $sentence = preg_replace($rx, '<$1>$3</$2>', $sentence);
    $sentence = preg_replace('~\[([^]]*)]~', '<$1 />', $sentence);
    echo $sentence;


    <html style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr">
    <div style="font-size: 18px;" dir="ltr">
      <p style="font-weight: bold;">Hello,</p>
      <p>You have got a new message from <a href=""></a><br /><br />.You could check your message on <a href="">Manager</a></p>
      <p><img src="" width="120px" height="80px" />
        <div style="color: #D4192D; font-weight: bold;"> Team</div>

    See the regex demo #1 and regex demo #2.


    This is the pattern that handled paired tags. The second pattern handles non-paired tags: