
Start Python script GUI minimized / in Windows Tray | Tkinter

I´ve built a simple GUI app, and I´m playing with pystray. Actually, my script starts as usual, the first thing you see is the GUI. If you klick on exit, the GUI minimize, and the tray Icon spawns.

For now, i search a way to start my script in this "tray Mode" here are some informations:

class Hauptfenster:

    # Define a function for quit the window
    def quit_window(icon, item):

    # Define a function to show the window again
    def show_window(icon, item):
        fenster.after(0, fenster.deiconify())

    # Hide the window and show on the system taskbar
    def hide_window():
        image =, iconFile))
        menu = (item('Beenden', Frontend.Hauptfenster.quit_window), item('Einstellungen', Frontend.Hauptfenster.show_window))
        icon = pystray.Icon("name", image, "Quicksafe", menu)

Please ask me if you need some more Information and Thanks a lot ! Best regards

Background: My programm should lay in the autostart of win10 , but i dont want to minimize the window each time i restart my pc


  • I just added my method hide_window to my main function, when script starts, you see something moving on to screen for 2ms.. but it disapears very quick... so thats something I can live with