
How can I get the value of a variable from a C program I've run with a bash script?

I'm running my program in a for loop, passing it varying values of num_threads.

for (( j=1; j<9; j++ ))
        mpirun -n $j ./my_program

I understand that bash will store the return value in $? automatically. However, what I am trying to do is get the runtime for a parallel program when passing it arguments of num_threads=1, so that I can use this value to find the speedup when running this program when num_threads>1. I need to return a double for this, and I had tried to return a double from main():

double main(int argc, char** argv) {
double run_time;

return run_time;


But it seems that main() can only return an int, and I get a 0 back from my bash script.

echo $time



  • Output the value from your program.

    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        double run_time;
        fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", run_time);


    for (( j=1; j<9; j++ )); do
        echo -n "$j " >> speed.txt
        mpirun -n $j ./my_program 2>>speed.txt
        # or you want to see it
        # mpirun -n $j ./my_program 2> >(tee -a speed.txt >&2)
    sort -k2g speed.txt   # -g is from GNU sort

    Generally, the form double main(int, char**) is invalid - main has to have specific forms only, see .