
How to generate migration script using RedGate docker?

I was able to compare two SQL Server databases on linux using RedGate docker:

docker run --rm --interactive --tty\
    redgate/sqlcompare:14 /IAgreeToTheEULA \
    /s1:sql_docker_1,1433 /db1:Customers /u1:SA /p1:pass \
    /s2:sql_docker_2,1533 /db2:Customers /u2:SA /p2:pass

However, it only shows me a very coarse-grained comparison (only telling me that these two tables are not the same, but not showing me their differences).

Is it a way that I can get more information about comparison? I need column-level and index-level comparisons.

Also, how can I generate the migration script?


  • Thanks for using Redgate SQL Compare!

    Full disclaimer - I'm a developer on that product.

    To generate a report you'll need to do two things:

    1.) Mount a directory like this:

    --mount type=bind,src="C:\Users\x\Documents",dst=/scripts

    Which mounts your Windows documents folder to a folder /scripts within the docker container.

    2.) Add two additional arguments to SQL Compare to generate a report and of which type:

    /report:"/scripts/report.html" /reporttype:Html

    Then to generate a migration script you must have mounted a directory like above and also add an additional argument to SQL Compare:


    This will give you a SQL script file that you can execute

    These two steps gave me an interactive HTML report that showed the column change difference I made between the source and target: enter image description here

    And a SQL Script file

    My final command (redacted) was:

    docker run --rm --interactive --tty --mount type=bind,src="C:\Users\x\Documents",dst=/scripts redgate/sqlcompare:14 /IAgreeToTheEULA /,1433 /db1:compare_source /u1:sa /p1:xxx /,1433 /db2:compare_target /u2:sa /p2:xxx /scriptfile:"/scripts/script.sql" /report:"/scripts/report.html" /reporttype:Html

    The switches for reports came from and generating a script came from