I'm behind a corporate proxy.
I can get pip working by doing set https_proxy=http://myproxy:port so I can install pyppeteer
but whatever I've tried - I can't get pyppeteer to download chromium. I run pyppeteer-install, and it just says downloading chromium, but nothing ever gets put in the %appdata% pyppeteer location. is there any way to fix it, beyond downloading chromium manually and just putting it in the correct spot?
Based on pyppeteer/download_chromium but with the use of urllib3.ProxyManager
instead of urllib3.PoolManager
from io import BytesIO
import urllib3
from tqdm import tqdm
from pyppeteer import chromium_downloader
def download_zip(url: str) -> BytesIO:
"""Download data with proxy from url."""
print('Starting Chromium download. Download may take a few minutes.')
with urllib3.ProxyManager(proxy_url='http://proxy-ip:port') as http:
# Get data from url.
# set preload_content=False means using stream later.
r = http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False)
if r.status >= 400:
raise OSError(f'Chromium downloadable not found at {url}: Received {r.data.decode()}.\n')
# 10 * 1024
_data = BytesIO()
total_length = int(r.headers['content-length'])
except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError):
total_length = 0
process_bar = tqdm(total=total_length, unit_scale=True, unit='b')
for chunk in r.stream(10240):
print('Chromium download done.')
return _data
def download_chromium() -> None:
"""Download and extract chromium."""
chromium_downloader.extract_zip(download_zip(chromium_downloader.get_url()), chromium_downloader.DOWNLOADS_FOLDER / chromium_downloader.REVISION)
print(f'Chrome executable path: {str(chromium_downloader.chromium_executable())}')
Simply call download_chromium()
in your program
Rem: Don't forget to replace http://proxy-ip:port
with your corporate proxy.