i'm tring to create PNG image with background consisting of squares in two colors, the squares is repeated horizontally or vertically as in the picture.
This is my code :
$maxwert = 300;
$size = 20;
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($maxwert, $maxwert);
imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
for($y=0;$y<$maxwert;$y += $size){
$r = rand(0,255);
$g = rand(0,255);
$b = rand(0,255);
$color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b);
imagefilledrectangle ($img, $x, $y, $x+$size ,$y+$size, $color);
// Save the image
imagepng($img, 'imagefilledrectangle.png');
My output:
Create two colours outside the loop and then cycle one then the other
$maxwert = 300;
$size = 20;
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($maxwert, $maxwert);
$colors = [
imagecolorallocate($img, rand(0,255), rand(0,255) rand(0,255)),
imagecolorallocate($img, rand(0,255), rand(0,255) rand(0,255))
for($y=0;$y<$maxwert;$y += $size){
imagefilledrectangle ($img, $x, $y, $x+$size ,$y+$size, $colors[(($x/$size)%2+($y/$size))%2]);
// Save the image
imagepng($img, 'imagefilledrectangle.png');