I have a pyspark dataframe that looks like the following,
data2 = [("James",["A x","B z","C q","D", "E"]),
("Michael",["A x","C","E","K", "D"]),
("Robert",["A y","R","B z","B","D"]),
("Maria",["X","A y","B z","F","B"]),
("Jen",["A","B","C q","F","R"])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(data2, ["Name", "My_list" ])
Name My_list
0 James [A x, B z, C q, D, E]
1 Michael [A x, C, E, K, D]
2 Robert [A y, R, B z, B, D]
3 Maria [X, A y, B z, F, B]
4 Jen [A, B, C q, F, R]
I want to be able to count the elements in the column 'My_list' and sort in descending order? For example,
'A x' appeared -> P times,
'B z' appeared -> Q times, and so on.
Can someone please put some lights on this? Thank you very much in advance.
The following command explodes the array, and provides the count of each element
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df_ans = (df2
.withColumn("explode", F.explode("My_list"))
the result is