
Velocity string function

I just start using Java Velocity. Now I want to create a java class template.

package $app.package_namespace
public class ${}Station

    #foreach($s_attribute in $app.station)
         $s_attribute.type $,
    public $ Station(#foreach($s_attribute in $app.station)
                                 $s_attribute.type $;
    #foreach($s_attribute in $app.station)
#foreach($s_attribute in $app.station)
    public ${s_attribute.type} get${}()
        return  get${}();

The problem is first character is lowercase. When I create getter and setter function for attributes. I need change first character to uppercase.

Did anyone know how to do it?


  • You can invoke standard java methods on these objects. If is type String you can directly use $ or for your specific case use $,1).toUpperCase() and $