
Localizable.strings not working inside a List

To demonstrate my SwiftUI localization problem I have prepared a simple test project at Github:


It displays a list of games in the ContentView.swift:

List($vm.currentGames, id: \.self) { $gameNumber in
            destination: GameView(gameNumber: gameNumber)
        ) {
        Text("game-number #\(gameNumber)")

which is coming from the GamesViewModel.swift:

class GamesViewModel: ObservableObject /*, WebSocketDelegate */ {
    @Published var currentGames: [Int] = [20, 30]
    @Published var displayedGame: Int = 0

And for localization in DE, EN, RU I have added Localizable.strings:

"app-title" = "Wähle ein Spiel!";
"update-games" = "Spiele erneuern";
"join-random-game" = "Zufallsspiel beitreten";
"game-number #%d" = "Spiel #%d";

While the top 3 entries work well (you can see them as app title and the 2 button labels in the screenshot above), the last entry does not work (shown by the red arrow in the screenshot),

I have unsuccessfully tried many things:

Nothing has helped, what could be wrong here please?


I have received nice suggestions at the Hacking with Swift forum.


  • Probably there is a bug for number formats, at least below works for strings.

    List($vm.currentGames, id: \.self) { $gameNumber in
            destination: GameView(gameNumber: gameNumber)
        ) {
            Text("game-number #\(String(gameNumber))")  // << here !!

    with combination in .strings

    "game-number #%@" = "Game #%@";
    "game-number #%@" = "Spiel #%@";
    "game-number #%@" = "Игра #%@";

    Tested with Xcode 13 / iOS 15
