
Is it possible to find out the number of items in a row by using window functions in PostgreSQL?

how to find the number of sellers who have payments, the time between which in a row is less than 1 minute and which are executed at least 3 times in a row? (answer is 2 sellers) and how to calculate the number of such payments? (answer is 10 payments) it seems like such a problem can be solved using window functions, but I have never encountered this kind of problem

enter image description here

CREATE TABLE T (seller_id int, payment_id varchar(3), payment_time timestamp, second_diff int);
INSERT INTO T (seller_id, payment_id, payment_time, second_diff)
    (1, 'pl',  '2015-01-08 09:23:04', 151),
    (1, 'p2',  '2015-01-08 09:25:35', 50),
    (1, 'p3',  '2015-01-08 09:26:25', 48),
    (1, 'p4',  '2015-01-08 09:27:23', 36),
    (1, 'p5',  '2015-01-08 09:27:59', 41),
    (1, 'p6',  '2015-01-08 09:28:40', 70),
    (1, 'p7',  '2015-01-08 09:29:50', 50),
    (1, 'p8',  '2015-01-08 09:30:40', 45),
    (1, 'p9',  '2015-01-08 09:31:25', 35),
    (1, 'p10', '2015-01-08 09:32:00', null),
    (2, 'pll', '2015-01-08 09:25:35', 25),
    (2, 'p12', '2015-01-08 09:26:00', 55),
    (2, 'p13', '2015-01-08 09:26:55', 30),
    (2, 'p14', '2015-01-08 09:27:25', 95),
    (2, 'p15', '2015-01-08 09:29:00', null),
    (3, 'p16', '2015-01-08 10:41:00', 65),
    (3, 'p17', '2015-01-08 10:42:05', 75),
    (3, 'p18', '2015-01-08 10:43:20', 90),
    (3, 'p19', '2015-01-08 10:43:20', 39),
    (3, 'p20', '2015-01-08 10:43:59', 50),
    (3, 'p21', '2015-01-08 10:44:49', null);


  • with A as (
        select seller_id, payment_time, second_diff,
            case when
                lag(case when second_diff < 60 then 1 else 0 end)
                    over (partition by seller_id order by payment_time)
                  = case when second_diff < 60 then 1 else 0 end
                then 0 else 1 end as transition
        from T
    ), B as (
        select *,
                over (partition by seller_id order by payment_time) as grp
        from A
    ), C as (
        select seller_id, count(*) as p
        from B
        where second_diff < 60
        group by seller_id, grp
        having count(*) >= 3
    select count(distinct seller_id) as sellers, sum(p) as payments
    from C;

    This approach looks for transitions in the values, counting them up. The output values of the inner case expressions don't really matter as long as they match.


    Here are some variations on the theme:

    Option #1b:

    with A as (
        select seller_id, payment_time, second_diff,
            case when
                lag(case when second_diff < 60 then 1 else 0 end)
                    over (partition by seller_id order by payment_time)
                  = case when second_diff < 60 then 1 else 0 end
                then 0 else 1 end as transition
        from T
    ), B as (
        select *,
                over (partition by seller_id order by payment_time) as grp
        from A
        dense_rank() over (order by seller_id)
          + dense_rank() over (order by seller_id desc) - 1 as sellers,
        sum(count(*)) over () as payments
    from B
    where second_diff < 60
    group by seller_id, grp
    having count(*) >= 3
    limit 1;

    This is just a different way to do the count(distinct) in one step.

    Option #2:

    with A as (
        select seller_id, payment_time, second_diff,
            row_number() over (partition by seller_id order by payment_time) as rn
        from T
    ), B as (
        select *,
            rn - row_number() over (partition by seller_id order by payment_time) as grp
        from A
        where second_diff < 60    
    ), C as (
        select seller_id, count(*) as p
        from B
        group by seller_id, grp
        having count(*) >= 3
    select count(distinct seller_id) as sellers, sum(p) as payments
    from C;

    This method uses row numbering pre- and post-filtering find breaks in the series.