The analysis works fine in every other Android phone I've tried (Huawei Mate 20 Pro, Samsung S8, Samsung J7 and Samsung S10+), but not in the Xiaomi Mi a20 Lite. It only enters once the the analyze
function and then in the Logcat throws:
E/ImageAnalysisAnalyzer: Failed to acquire image.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: maxImages (1) has already been acquired, call #close before acquiring more.
I've built the analyser like this, because we want it to bring a new frame only when the one in the queue has been processed:
val imageAnalysis = builder
In the analyze
function we make sure to close the image
, but the error comes up nonetheless in this particular Xiaomi device:
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
if (mediaImage != null) {
val image = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees)
val scanner = BarcodeScanning.getClient(options)
.addOnSuccessListener { barcodes: List<Barcode?> ->
if (barcodes.isNotEmpty()) {
.addOnFailureListener {
The problem was solved changing the image strategy when building:
val imageAnalysis = builder
Seemed more reasonable to process one frame and then ask another, but with this strategy it worked fine in every phone.