I have some tuples stored in an Elixir :ets table with the following format,
{id, "first_name", "last_name"}
I'm looking to search the ETS table on both first and last name given a search term. For example if someone's first name was Alice, the search would return this tuple for "Al", "Ali", "Alic", etc.
So far I've tried:
:ets.match_object(table_name, {:_, :_, "last_name"})
which works when it matches exactly on "last_name" but if I have "last" or some shorter permutation in the search string it does not return a result.
I have also looked at search vectors, ets.match, ets.lookup and a few other ways to perform the search. Is there some built in, or other Elixiry way to do this type of string searching?
One might use a Swiss knife of ets
lookups, :ets.foldl/3
{_, "Al" <> _, _} = y, acc -> [y | acc] # firstname
{_, _, "Al" <> _} = y, acc -> [y | acc] # lastname
_, acc -> acc # no match
end, [], table)
Please note, this is less efficient, compared to the solution proposed by @MikhailAksenov because the search is done in the calling process and hence all the data has to be transferred there, instead of being filtered “inside” the ets