
Angular 10 library without ivy

I built an Angular 10 library and used it via a direct import (file:dist/my-lib).

Now I wanted to publish my lib to a private npm repository. To get that working, I changed my tsconfig.lib.json and disabled ivy:

"angularCompilerOptions": {
    "enableIvy": false

All that worked, and I was able to build and publish my library. Most of the library code is working as expected, but in one component (internally used inside the library) there is a function:

export class MyComponent {
  public hasChanges(): boolean {
    return ...;

I do invoke this function on an injected @ViewChild('myCustomComponent') myComponent: MyComponent;, which throws an error that hasChanges is not a function.

I do not really know what one would need to figure out the problem. Any thoughts what could be the problem with disabling ivy?

Everything works fine when I build the library without disabling ivy.


  • The solution was using Angular >= 11 and the partial compilation mode.

    In tsconfig.lib.json:

    "angularCompilerOptions": {
        "compilationMode": "partial"

    See here for further explanation