I've encountered a problem
I searched this on google https://www.google.com/search?q=sen%20do&uule=w+CAIQICIZSG8gQ2hpIE1pbmggQ2l0eSwgVmlldG5hbQ%3D%3D and manual clicked on the first result (this link is attached with ads), I got the current url https://www.sendo.vn/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=333629566-13485316726&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9eKR_YCh9AIVCz5gCh2ang22EAAYASAAEgI80_D_BwE
Did the same with the above link, used the code below but it only returned https://www.sendo.vn/ (Missing the params)
Here is the code
// Find first result element
Web firstResultElement = driver.findElement(By.className("iUh30"))
String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()
Any solution to get full url path with Selenium like manual click?
I entered to your web and inspecting the page I saw that there are two redirects (status 302) after the click on the first result on google search:
And the second redirect has the url that you are looking for in the header location because is a redirect (302):
If you wait, the browser execute the second redirect and the url is loaded:
Wait until the second redirect and then, get the url with the classic methods.
The web is developed on react, that's why is rendered with javascript. This complicate a little bit the selenium automation.
You need to search an element which presence indicate you that web is ready after the second redirect. I found this:
document.querySelector('[aria-label="sendo logo"]');
Translate this querySelector to selenium:
By.cssSelector("a[aria-label='sendo logo']");
And wait for it:
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.cssSelector("a[aria-label='sendo logo']")));
If after this element, you keep getting the same url instead the full url, just try with another html element.
Try to get the headers of the page using selenium