I can use the VS macros like $(ProjectDir) in my pre & post build events. But is there any way I can specify them in a batch file & run the batch file as my pre & post build event?
Post-Build event
copy $(ProjectDir)foo.txt $(ProjectDir)\out\foo.txt
Post-Build event
where CopyFoo.cmd contains
copy $(ProjectDir)foo.txt $(ProjectDir)\out\foo.txt
I want to do this to make my build events list more user-friendly to edit/update. Editing a batch file is much easier than editing the build events box in VS.
Not sure if you can access them or not (becuase $
has a different meaning inside batch file), but one way would be to pass them as command line arguments to the batch file. You can access them inside the batch file as %0 - %9.
Post-Build event
CopyFoo.cmd $(ProjectDir)
Batch file
copy %1foo.txt %1\out\foo.txt