I am trying to find the value of the Signal level only because I would like to measure the wifi signal by dBm
I am using this command to see the Signal level (I'd like to get it using python):
$ iw dev wlx88366cfd0226 link
Connected to c4:41:1e:e5:86:f6 (on wlx88366cfd0226)
SSID: Hlab_linksys
freq: 5785
signal: -22 dBm
tx bitrate: 867.0 MBit/s
The full code is:
import subprocess
import time
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Display WLAN signal strength.')
parser.add_argument(dest='interface', nargs='?', default='wlx88366cfd0226',
help='wlan interface (default: wlx88366cfd0226)')
args = parser.parse_args()
print '\n---Press CTRL+Z or CTRL+C to stop.---\n'
while True:
cmd = subprocess.Popen('iwconfig %s' % args.interface, shell=True,
# print "cmd.stdout",cmd.stdout
for line in cmd.stdout:
if 'Link Quality' in line:
# print"s"
print (line.lstrip(' ')),
elif 'Not-Associated' in line:
print 'No signal'
The type of the output is string data stream as:
Link Quality=85/100 Signal level=78/100 Noise level=0/100
I'd like to get 78/100 only in order to convert to dBm.
The original code is from here
In my case, when I use this command see here: iwconfig
wlx88366cfd0226 IEEE 802.11AC ESSID:"Hlab_linksys" Nickname:"<WIFI@REALTEK>"
Mode:Managed Frequency:5.785 GHz Access Point: C4:41:1E:E5:86:F6
Bit Rate:867 Mb/s Sensitivity:0/0
Retry:off RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=84/100 Signal level=78/100 Noise level=0/100
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
enp3s0 no wireless extensions.
lo no wireless extensions.
So, I used wlx88366cfd0226
in the code.
How to get the value of the signal only:
This is my code:
import subprocess
import time
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Display WLAN signal strength.')
parser.add_argument(dest='interface', nargs='?', default='wlx88366cfd0226',
help='wlan interface (default: wlx88366cfd0226)')
args = parser.parse_args()
print '\n---Press CTRL+Z or CTRL+C to stop.---\n'
while True:
cmd = subprocess.Popen('iw dev %s link' % args.interface, shell=True,
# print "cmd.stdout",cmd.stdout
for line in cmd.stdout:
if 'signal' in line:
# print"s"
print (line.lstrip(' ')),
elif 'Not-Associated' in line:
print 'No signal'
The output here is:
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
signal: -23 dBm
I need it as a number to use in the next equations.
the split way:
line.split(" ")[1].split('=')[1]
reading it: we take the line. split it by 2 spaces. that gives us the 3 sections ("Link quality", "signal level" and "Noise level") we then access the second element with the first [1]
which gives us "Signal level=78/100". We then take that and spit it by =
which gives us ['Signal level', '78/100']
and we finally access the second element with the second [1]
and we get what we want.
Or if string manipulation is more your flavour:
level = line[line.find("Signal level=")+13:line.find(" ", line.find("Signal level=")+13)]
reading it: we take the line we know has the value we want and we find Signal level=
in that string. find
returns the index of the first character that matches in the string so we have to add 13 (the count of chars in Signal level=
) to get it to then end of Signal level=
. then we have to find the space after what you're looking for. we do that by looking for the first
character after the Signal level=