I've got two images. I want to do so: when user opens an app with a Light theme - the first image is being used as a background for layouts. When user opens the app with a Dark theme - the second image is being used as a background for layouts.
To solve this problem with text colors, we can just use styles.xml and colors-day/night.xml and one line of code: <item name="android:textColor">@color/textColor</item>
I've tried to the same with images and two styles files: <item name="android:background">@drawable/day</item>
But this feature applies background to each element on a screen, not only to the main layouts.
I know, that I can do it programatically by changing a background with if statements and layout.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.day/night);
But maybe it can be done with XML as in the case of the text color?
To solve this problem with text colors, we can just use styles.xml and colors-day/night.xml and one line of code: @color/textColor
You need to do the same thing, but instead of res/values/colors.xml
, it should be done on the drawable res/drawable/day
So, you'll have a drawable
& drawable-night
folders in the res
directory each of which should have a unique version of the day
image with the same name.
They should look like in Android Studio (Android preview):
And normally use the the attribute name="android:background">@drawable/day</item>