
How to compute all pairwise interaction between polygons and the the percentage coverage in R with sf?

I have polygons where I want to calculate the percentage overlap between them. The idea is that when a polygon intersects another one, the percentage can be calculated on the perspective of one polygon or the other (i.e., the maximum value). Therefore, I want to make a script that generates percent coverage between polygons taking the percentage of overlap from one polygon and the other and them put all of the results in a data frame.

Here is the code that I have for the moment :

m = rbind(c(0,0), c(1,0), c(1,1), c(0,1), c(0,0))
p = st_polygon(list(m))
n = 5
l = vector("list", n)
for (i in 1:n)
  l[[i]] = p + 2 * runif(2)
s = st_sfc(l)
s.f = st_sf(s)
s.f$id = c(1,1,2,2,3)
s.f.2 = s.f %>% group_by(id) %>%   summarise(geometry = sf::st_union(s)) # %>% summarise(area = st_area(s))

s.f.2$area = st_area(s.f.2)

i = s.f.2 %>% 
  st_intersection(.) %>% 
  mutate(intersect_area = st_area(.)) #%>%

st_intersection(s.f.2) %>% 
  mutate(intersect_area = st_area(.),
         # = sapply(i$origins, function(x) paste0(as.character(hr.pol$id)[x], collapse = ", ")),
         id1 = sapply(i$origins, function(x) paste0(as.character(s.f.2$id)[x][1])),
         id2 = sapply(i$origins, function(x) paste0(as.character(s.f.2$id)[x][2])),
         area.id1 = sapply(i$origins, function(x) s.f.2$area[x][1]),
         area.id2 = sapply(i$origins, function(x) s.f.2$area[x][2]),
         perc1 = as.vector(intersect_area/area.id1),
         perc2 = as.vector(intersect_area/area.id2)) %>%   # create new column with shape area
  filter(n.overlaps ==2) %>% 
  dplyr::select(id, intersect_area, id1, id2, 
                perc1,perc2) %>%   # only select columns needed to merge
  st_drop_geometry() %>%  # drop geometry as we don't need it
  select(-id) %>% 
  pivot_longer(#names_prefix = "id", 
    names_to = "perc",
    cols = starts_with("perc"))

This code gives the percentage of overlap between the polygons (I'm doing it for only 2 overlap, but it would be nice if this is generalizable for more than one overlap!)

mapview(s.f.2,zcol = "id")

enter image description here

In the end, what I'm looking for is something like this :

id   `1`   `2`   `3`
1     100   31.6  0
2     27.0  100   0
3     0     0     100

So polygon "1" covers 31.6% of the area of polygon "2" and polygon "2" covers 27.0% of the area of polygon "1".

What I have at the moment is (but is very slow):

data.sp = s.f.2 %>%  
  st_as_sf(.) %>%
  mutate(area.m =  st_area(geometry),
         area.ha = units::set_units(area.m, ha)) %>%

id.sort = sort(unique(data.sp$id)) # used to reorder columns based on ID

df.fill =data.frame(id1 = NULL, id2=NULL, area =NULL, over1 = NULL, over2 = NULL)

for (k in 1:length(id.sort)) {
  for (op in 1:length(id.sort)) {
    int.out = st_intersection(data.sp[data.sp$id==id.sort[k],], 
    # int.out
    if(nrow(int.out) != 0) {
      area.tmp = st_area(int.out)#/10000
      over1 = area.tmp/int.out$area.ha
      over2 = area.tmp/int.out$area.ha.1
    } else {area.tmp = 0;over1=0;over2=0}
    df.fill.tmp = data.frame(id1 = id.sort[k], id2=id.sort[op], 
                             area = area.tmp,
                             over1 = over1*100,
                             over2 = over2*100)
    df.fill = rbind(df.fill,df.fill.tmp)
df.fill$over1 = as.numeric(df.fill$over1)
df.fill$over2 = as.numeric(df.fill$over2)
df.fill %>% 
  select(-c(area, over2)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = id2,values_from = over1, 
              values_fill = 0)


  • Without a real example to benchmark, I'm not sure it's faster than your solution. But it's simpler and easier to understand (at least for my brain).

    sf::st_intersection() is vectorized. So it will find & return all the intersections of the first & second argument for you. In this case, the two arguments are the same set of polygons.

    sf::st_intersection(s.f.2, s.f.2) %>% 
        area       = sf::st_area(.),
        proportion = area / area.1
      ) %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>%
        id_1 = id,
        id_2 = id.1,
      ) %>% 
      # tidyr::complete(id_1, id_2, fill = list(proportion = 0))
        names_from = id_1,
        values_from = proportion,
        values_fill = 0


    # A tibble: 3 x 4
       id_2   `1`   `2`   `3`
      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
    1     1 1     0.316     0
    2     2 0.270 1         0
    3     3 0     0         1

    Things to consider: