
Google Analytics server side call err "The value provided for parameter 'tid' is invalid. using a valid" with measurement ID

I am trying to do a server side call to Google Analytics 4 with a valid Measurement ID (G-0GHN4RGNDQ) it's a test one, so OK to share here, see and the debug call here:

I get this error

  "hitParsingResult": [ {
    "valid": false,
    "parserMessage": [ {
      "messageType": "ERROR",
      "description": "The value provided for parameter 'tid' is invalid. Please see for details.",
      "messageCode": "VALUE_INVALID",
      "parameter": "tid"
    } ],
    "hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026tid=G-0GHN4RGNDQ\u0026cid=555\u0026t=event\u0026ec=MyCategory\u0026ea=MyAction\u0026el=MyLabel"
  } ],
  "parserMessage": [ {
    "messageType": "INFO",
    "description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
  } ]

I can successfully make gtag calls using that same Measurement ID and the events show up in Google Analytics... however I can't seem to get it to work via the /debug/ url above.

Any help appreciated.


  • You appear to be using the endpoint for Measurement Protocol (Universal Analytics)

    However yet you state you are trying to use Google Analytics 4 which implies GA4 and not Universal analytics.

    You should be using Measurement Protocol (Google Analytics 4)

    POST /mp/collect HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json

    For validating hits check this page page


    Remember the measurement protocol is used to send Data TO Google Analytics not request data from google analytics.