
Activating rule 16 of WDAC doesnt allow to apply policy without rebooting

I'm applying wdac using commands when I have enforced mode I try changing it to enforced mode but it doesn't work without the reboot with the Rule 16 activated, I have tried using gpupdate /force but it doesn't work either, any ideas?

(W10 version 1809)

The policy is correctly enabled

This is the code I'm using:

$LGPOTxt="C:\Policies\LGPO\LGPO.txt" #Txt generated after lgpo backup

  rm $SiPolicy
  Set-RuleOption -FilePath $Policy -Option 3 
  ConvertFrom-CIPolicy $Policy $DeviceGuardPolicy
  ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XmlFilePath $Policy -BinaryFilePath $SIPolicy 


function Enable-WdacPolicy
  (Get-Content -path $LGPOTxt -Raw).replace($DesactivatePolicy, $ActivatePolicy) | Set-Content -Path $LGPOTxt
    cd $WL
    .\LGPO.exe /t $LGPOTxt
    ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XmlFilePath $Policy -BinaryFilePath $SIPolicy 
    gpupdate /force

function Disable-WdacPolicy
    (Get-Content -path $LGPOTxt -Raw).replace($ActivatePolicy, $DesactivatePolicy) | Set-Content -Path $LGPOTxt
    cd $WL
    .\LGPO.exe /t $LGPOTxt
    gpupdate /force


  • I found this solution

    Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\CI -ClassName PS_UpdateAndCompareCIPolicy -MethodName Update -Arguments @{FilePath = $DestinationBinary}

    Adding this line of code after gpupdate /force refresh the policy in msinfo32.exe