I would like to retain the variable labels after reshaping the dataset from long to wide. I have a problem in inputting the dataset (I keyed them in Excel then imported).
set obs 7
input id a1 a2 a3
"s001" "John" 23 "Primary"
"s002" "Mary" 32 "Secondary"
"s002" "Anna" 23 "Tertiary"
"s003" "Joseph" 34 "Secondary"
"s003" "Oganyo" 23 "Primary"
"s004" "Manyoya" 34 "Tertiary"
"s005" "Makbuti" 45 "Primary"
*======= Label the variables
label var a1 "partners name"
label var a2 "partners age"
label var a3 "partners education"
foreach variable of varlist a*{
local varlabel : variable label `variable'
di "`varlabel'"
bys id: gen index = _n
renvars a* , postfix(_)
reshape wide a*, i(id) j(index)
label var `variable'* "`varlabel'"
The code here is very confused and just won't work well without major surgery.
At the outset your input
statement fails to declare string variables when needed.
The set obs 7
is compatible with an end
to the input
A big problem is that you are looping over a bunch of commands including reshape
, but there is just one reshape
to carry out.
Your code for saving variable labels needs to save then separately.
is from the Stata Journal (2005), and doesn't seem needed here any way. As from Stata 12 (2011!) it should still work but is essentially superseded by extensions to rename
Here's my best guess at the example you should have given and the code you need.
input str4 id str7 a1 a2 str9 a3
"s001" "John" 23 "Primary"
"s002" "Mary" 32 "Secondary"
"s002" "Anna" 23 "Tertiary"
"s003" "Joseph" 34 "Secondary"
"s003" "Oganyo" 23 "Primary"
"s004" "Manyoya" 34 "Tertiary"
"s005" "Makbuti" 45 "Primary"
label var a1 "partner's name"
label var a2 "partner's age"
label var a3 "partner's education"
local j = 0
foreach variable of varlist a* {
local ++j
local varlabel`j' : variable label `variable'
di "`varlabel`j''"
bys id: gen index = _n
reshape wide a*, i(id) j(index)
forval j = 1/3 {
foreach v of var a`j'* {
label var `v' "`varlabel`j''"
Here's the output of the last two commands.
. list
| id a11 a21 a31 a12 a22 a32 |
1. | s001 John 23 Primary . |
2. | s002 Mary 32 Secondary Anna 23 Tertiary |
3. | s003 Joseph 34 Secondary Oganyo 23 Primary |
4. | s004 Manyoya 34 Tertiary . |
5. | s005 Makbuti 45 Primary . |
. describe
Contains data
Observations: 5
Variables: 7
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
id str4 %9s
a11 str7 %9s partner's name
a21 float %9.0g partner's age
a31 str9 %9s partner's education
a12 str7 %9s partner's name
a22 float %9.0g partner's age
a32 str9 %9s partner's education
Sorted by: id
Note: reshape wide
makes most things more difficult in Stata.
Note: Please use dataex
to create reproducible data examples in Stata.