Context: i'm working on making a python version of paymentmethodtoken from the google tink library to work with gpay messages. For that i use only python and PyCryptodome.
With that said i'm currently trying to implement an equivalent of the kem function:
private byte[] kem(JsonObject json, final byte[] contextInfo) throws GeneralSecurityException {
int demKeySize = protocolVersionConfig.aesCtrKeySize + protocolVersionConfig.hmacSha256KeySize;
byte[] ephemeralPublicKey =
byte[] sharedSecret = recipientKem.computeSharedSecret(ephemeralPublicKey);
return Hkdf.computeEciesHkdfSymmetricKey(
the equivalent in python:
def __kem(self, signed_message: SignedMessage, context_info: bytearray) -> bytearray:
dem_key_size: int = 64
ephemeral_public_key: bytes = base64.b64decode(signed_message.ephemeral_public_key)
shared_secret: bytearray = self.__compute_shared_secret(bytearray(ephemeral_public_key))
empty_salt: bytearray = bytearray()
# to do
return self.__compute_ecies_hkdf_symmetric_key(ephemeral_public_key, shared_secret, empty_salt, context_info, dem_key_size)
def __compute_ecies_hkdf_symmetric_key(self, ephemeral_public_key: bytes, shared_secret: bytearray,
salt: bytearray, context_info: bytearray, dem_key_size: int) -> bytearray:
# TODO: add function body
hkdf_input: bytes = ephemeral_public_key + shared_secret
key1, key2 = HKDF(master=bytes("something goes here", "utf-8"), hashmod=SHA256, salt=salt, key_len=dem_key_size)
From what i can see google tink computeEciesHkdfSymmetricKey (code) don't work at all like PyCryptodome HKDF. my question is, does a equivalent of computeEciesHkdfSymmetricKey exist in pycryptomde or another librarie and if not, is it possible to reproduce the same behaviour ?
what i did:
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import HKDF
def __compute_ecies_hkdf_symmetric_key(self, ephemeral_public_key: bytes, shared_secret: bytearray, salt: bytearray, context_info: bytearray, dem_key_size: int) -> bytearray:
hkdf_input: bytes = ephemeral_public_key + shared_secret
keys = HKDF(master=hkdf_input, hashmod=SHA256, salt=salt, key_len=dem_key_size, context=context_info)
if isinstance(keys, bytes):
return bytearray(keys)
elif isinstance(keys, tuple(bytes)):
return bytearray(keys[0])
raise GooglePaymentDecryptMessageError("type of hkdf is not compatible")