How to get bounding box info of intersection box in forge viewer? i want to restore section extension box bounding value to be restored.for that for below method i get box value. getSelectionbox
now i want to restore that to viewer/set that saved value to viewer for that is there any method is available?
i used setSectionBox(box) but it isn't worked for me.
Thank you
Here is code sample:
viewer.restoreState(currentState, null, false);
if(Object.values(val.isolateNodes).length > 0){
if(val.cutPlanes.length !== 0){
var sectionTool = markupsExt.tool.getSectionBoxValues();
const sectionbboxmin = new THREE.Vector3(val.sectionBox[0], val.sectionBox[1], val.sectionBox[2]);
const sectionbboxmax = new THREE.Vector3(val.sectionBox[3], val.sectionBox[4], val.sectionBox[5]);
const box = new THREE.Box3(sectionbboxmin,sectionbboxmax);
box.transform = val.sectionBoxTransform;
I just tried applying a custom section box to a model in Forge Viewer using this code snippet:
let box = new THREE.Box3(new THREE.Vector3(-100,-100,-100), new THREE.Vector3(100,100,100));
let sectionExt = viewer.getExtension('Autodesk.Section');
So this seems to be working ok. Could you provide more details about how you tried to set the section box?
Here's how you can restore the section box from a list of cutplanes (like the one you can obtain from viewer.getState()
function restoreSectionBox(viewer, cutplanes) {
let box = new THREE.Box3();
for (const cutplane of cutplanes) {
const normal = new THREE.Vector3(cutplane[0], cutplane[1], cutplane[2]);
const offset = cutplane[3];
const pointOnPlane = normal.negate().multiplyScalar(offset);
const sectionExt = viewer.getExtension('Autodesk.Section');
// ...
let cutplanes = [
[1, 0, 0, 40],
[0, 1, 0, 50],
[0, 0, 1, 30],
[-1, 0, 0, 60],
[0, -1, 0, 20],
[0, 0, -1, 70]
restoreSectionBox(viewer, cutplanes);