
Ziggy Equivalent for Adonis JS

I want to use Adonis with a Vue3 SPA. Is there a way I could use my adonisJS named routes in the vue client (a package similar to Ziggy for Laravel)? Any pointers will be much appreciated.


  • Older question, but everyone else that lands here, there's actually a package called Adonis Stardust inspired by Ziggy for Laravel:

    After you install and configure it running:

    npm i @eidellev/adonis-stardust
    node ace configure @eidellev/adonis-stardust

    All you have to do is add @routes() to your app.edge before your JS is imported, and in your main.js import it and execute initRoutes().

    To access it on the client side calling:

    import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust';
    let route = stardust.route('', { customer: 'cust_1234' });

    The route variable will return /customers/cust_1234 (or however you have set it up in the back).