My goal is to achieve that players on my bukkit server only hear each other, when there are no walls between them. So my idea was to get the distance between the sender of a message on the AsyncPlayerChatEvent and the recipient (getRecipients()) using a (Flying)Pathfinder(Goal), so that there is a path (throught the air) to the other player. If there is no way or the path is too long, I would remove the recipient from the list.
What I have so far:
public void onAsyncPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent e) {
Player p = e.getPlayer();
Location start = p.getLocation();
if (start.getWorld() == null) {
PathfinderFlying pathfinder = new PathfinderFlying();
World world = ((CraftPlayer) p).getHandle().getWorld();
ChunkCache chunkCache = new ChunkCache(world,
new BlockPosition(start.getX() - 500, 0, start.getZ() - 500),
new BlockPosition(start.getX() + 500, 0, start.getZ() + 500)); //Dunno if this is correct
// EntityInsentientImplementation is basically: EntityInsentientImplementation extends EntityInsentient with default constructor
pathfinder.a(chunkCache, new EntityInsentientImplementation(, world));
for (Player target : e.getRecipients()) {
Location dest = target.getLocation();
// How do I get the distance?
I already thried the function public int a(PathPoint[] var0, PathPoint var1) {
from PathfinderFlying
but this seems to return a static value (26) when var0
the location of th sender and var1
is the location of the recipient.
I'm using bukkit 1.17.1.
I was working on how to find the best way to go at specific location. So, I made BaritoneCalculator.
You should do like that to use it :
GoalBlock goal = new GoalBlock(x, y, z); // create direction goal
Now, it will calculate the better path.
To get the path, use this :
Or, you can also use an event: PathCalculatedEvent
Full code to count all positions to pass through (i.e. your issue) :
PathingBehavior pathing = BaritoneAPI.getProvider().getNewBaritone(p).getPathingBehavior();
GoalBlock goal = new GoalBlock(x, y, z); // create direction goal
pathing.startGoal(goal); // start goal and calculate
Optional<IPath> optPath = pathing.getPath();
if(optPath.isPresent()) { // can be not found yet, use event to be sure
int distance = pathing.get().positions().size() -1; // -1 to don't count current player position
// now you have the distance
} else {
// failed to find way
More informations (and updated) on readme.