I am using TeeChart (Build 2020.30.200525) in a Delphi XE3 VCL-Application.
In that application I am setting up a Gantt series and I would like to style an individual row label on the left axis to set it apart from the others.
Something like changing the color or font-style of the label or highlighting it by using a background.
How could I achieve this?
I have found the OnGetAxisLabel
event which I ca use to change the text of the labels.
And I have also tried Axes.Left.Items
, but that only has a single element even after I have added several Values to the Gantt-Series.
You need to force a chart repaint to populate the axis items. Ie:
uses VclTee.GanttCh;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Chart1.Draw; // Force a repaint to populate Axis Items