I have a stringlist (input):
set(MY_LIST "A:1;B:2;C:3")
I want to fetch the key values using foreach and set them as cmake constants. Something like:
foreach(ITEM ${MY_LIST})
SET(<ITEM_A> <value_ofA>)
So basically i want the end result as but this should be achieved using a forloop:
SET(A "1")
SET(B "2")
SET(C "3")
How can i achieve this by using foreach to navigate each string in my list and set the key value pairs as cmake constants?
This is not so bad:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
set(MY_LIST "A:1;B:2;C:3;D:foo:bar")
foreach (pair IN LISTS MY_LIST)
string(FIND "${pair}" ":" pos)
if (pos LESS 1)
message(WARNING "Skipping malformed pair (no var name): ${pair}")
else ()
string(SUBSTRING "${pair}" 0 "${pos}" var)
math(EXPR pos "${pos} + 1") # Skip the separator
string(SUBSTRING "${pair}" "${pos}" -1 val)
set("${var}" "${val}")
endif ()
endforeach ()
message(STATUS "${A}")
message(STATUS "${B}")
message(STATUS "${C}")
message(STATUS "${D}")
The output is:
$ cmake -P test.cmake
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- foo:bar
Might work on earlier versions, too. I keep up to date.