
Facebook API 'Invalid rule JSON format' When Creating Custom Web Audience

I am using Graph API 12.0 to create a custom web audience and getting "Invalid rule JSON format" error. I believe I am using the exact format specified here

Below is my request:

  "name": "test",
    "rule": {
    "inclusions": {
      "operator": "or",
      "rules": [
          "event_sources": [
              "type": "pixel",
              "id": PIXEL_ID
          "retention_seconds": 600
  "retention_days": "1",
  "prefill": "1"


  • It turns out "filter" was a required field even though it is stated optional in the documents. I think this is a bug within Facebook API. What if I don't need any filters?

    Below request works successfully:

      "name": "test",
        "rule": {
        "inclusions": {
          "operator": "or",
          "rules": [
              "event_sources": [
                  "type": "pixel",
                  "id": PIXEL_ID
              "retention_seconds": 600,
              "filter": {
                        "operator": "and",
                        "filters": [{
                            "field": "url",
                            "operator": "regex_match",
                            "value": "."
      "retention_days": "1",
      "prefill": "1"