
papyrus sysML profile installation - confguration conflict

This might be a newbee eclipse/payrus question but I am stuck on trying to configure papyrus (an eclipse UML Model editor) to use sysML profile (

The procedure consist in downloading a plugin from the eclipse marketplace. Before doing this I updated my current install which led to the the update of the UML plugin After that I came to install the sysML plugin but payrus got stuck on a conflict enter image description here

I browsed the installed plugins but can't uninstall any of the UML plugins.

QUESTION : How can i get sysML to work with papyrus and resolv that conflicting configuration (using UML AND sysML ?


  • it appears that using a more basic version of eclipse and then installing the papyrus sysML plugin worked. The "standard" papyrus is bundled to create UML model.