
It keeps using the cache whereas a new version in available

The Dockerfile contains:

RUN /bin/bash -c "python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && python3 -m pip install conan"

Once built, it never run it again and use the cache instead. I'm fine as long as the versions (pip's + conan's) haven't changed.

What's the best practice to handle that case? I'd like docker/buildah to detect whether it needs to change the layer if there is a new version. Purposely, I didn't add any version to always get the latest versions.

I struggled finding the cause of a bug I had, Conan has changed their SSL certificate in a new version and I was stuck with a previous version that prevented me from installing packages.


  • This conflict is exactly why to use a version lock file that lists out specific versions of packages to use. Even if you think you usually want the latest version, this gives you (or the packaging tool) a place to record a specific set of versions that you know works.

    Using Python's basic setuptools system, for example, you can declare in your setup.cfg file that your application needs that specific package


    Now in your local (non-Docker) development environment, you can install that

    rm -rf venv           # clean up the old virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv  # create a new virtual environment
    . venv/bin/activate   # activate it
    pip install -e .      # install current directory and its dependencies

    or alternatively, if you already have the virtual environment set up

    pip install --upgrade -e .

    Now you can ask pip to dump out the requirements file

    pip freeze > requirements.txt

    In your Dockerfile, COPY the new requirements.txt file in, and use that to install packages.

    FROM python:3.9
    # Upgrade pip, since it likes to complain about being out of date
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip
    # Install package dependencies
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY requirements.txt .
    RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Install the rest of the application
    COPY . .
    CMD ["./"]

    Docker's layer caching system means, if the requirements.txt file has changed, Docker will re-run pip install, and if it hasn't, it will skip over it (until the next COPY line with a changed file). Meanwhile, it's under your control which exact version to use (you can either put a version constraint in setup.cfg or manually edit requirements.txt to avoid a broken version) so a breaking upstream change won't mean you can't ship code. Finally, you're using the same packaging system in your development environment and in Docker, so it's easy to keep things consistent (I'd generally discourage pip installing individual packages in a Dockerfile).