I've been trying to run both zookeeper and kafka 2.13 on my local windows machine. I have modified the server properties to point to c:/kafka/kafka-logs and zookeeper data to point to c:/kafka/zookeeper-data.
The zookeeper starts without any issues but when I attempt to start kafka with
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties
I get the below error saying AccessDeniedException. I have already tried the below:
Could anyone give some suggestions on how to fix this?
Thank you
what is the kafka version you are using?.
I has this issue in 3.0.0
. I downgraded to 2.8.1
and the issue is resolved.
I think it is something related to kafka.
Kafka is deprecating the usage of Zookeeper and rolling out upgraded Kafka version without Zookeper. Instead it makes use of KRaft for the doing the work of Zookeeper