
WindowBuilder 1.9.5 not showing design tab after re import project

After several test I found that this that I did previously in another project is not working. In fact, a project I worked on a few months ago shows me this error of not showing the design tab.

I am using:

Version: 2020-12 (4.18.0) Build id: 20201210-1552

Some screenshots of what I said before.

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¿Is this a bug or I am doing some wrong? A similar problem exists with WindowBuilder (08/2020-09/2020) but were fixed in previous version according comments. Thanks

EDIT: Solved


  • According to the screenshot, you opened the file with the regular Java editor instead of the WindowBuilder editor.

    Right-click the file and choose Open With > WindowBuilder Editor (see WindowBuilder Pro User Guide - Editing Existing Windows).

    Please note, since Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18) Open With > ... no longer remembers the chosen editor to open that file next time. This means double-clicking a file always opens the file with the default editor which is for *.java files the regular Java editor, not the WindowBuilder editor.