I am working on a Flutter app that needs to scan for WIFI networks and be able to connect and disconnect to/from these.
I have tried to use wifi_configuration which works with Android 9(API level 28) but not above this.
I also tried using the following libraries, wifi_iot, wifi, which does not seem to support Android 10 and 11.
Do you know if there exist any library that support these actions in Android 9, 10 and 11?
I have also tried to find a Java or Kotlin library that supports these features for the different Android version. I can create a method-channel to communicate to these from my Flutter app, but I have not be able to find any libraries that have support for these different Android version. Are there any libraries/packages in Java/Kotlin that can accomplish this?
I'm using wifi_iot. scan, connect & disconnects is working on android 11.
use WiFiForIoTPlugin.loadWifiList()
for scanning available networks
// scanning
final wifis = await WiFiForIoTPlugin.loadWifiList();
log("${wifis.map((e) => e.ssid).toList()}");
// connecting
final ssid = "test network";
final res = await WiFiForIoTPlugin.connect(
password: "12345678",
security: NetworkSecurity.WPA,
withInternet: false,
if (res)