I was trying to compare the two app versions in Flutter:
final v1 = "1.0.0";
final v2 = "1.0.1";
How do I state which version is bigger than the other?
A cool solution is to convert each version to an exponential integer so that we can compare them simply as integers!
void main() {
String v1 = '1.2.3', v2 = '1.2.11';
int v1Number = getExtendedVersionNumber(v1); // return 102003
int v2Number = getExtendedVersionNumber(v2); // return 102011
print(v1Number >= v2Number);
int getExtendedVersionNumber(String version) {
List versionCells = version.split('.');
versionCells = versionCells.map((i) => int.parse(i)).toList();
return versionCells[0] * 100000 + versionCells[1] * 1000 + versionCells[2];
Checkout this running example on Dartpad.