This Sublime Text build system compiles a C++ program, then opens a new window in and runs it there upon pressing ctrl+b.
"shell_cmd": "g++-11 -std=c++20 '${file}' -o '${file_base_name}' && echo 'cd \"${file_path}/\"' > '/tmp/${file_base_name}' && echo './\"${file_base_name}\"' >> '/tmp/${file_base_name}' && echo read >> '/tmp/${file_base_name}' && chmod +x '/tmp/${file_base_name}' && open -a '/tmp/${file_base_name}'"
How would you write something similar for Vim?
You actually have a few options, so use whatever suits your needs the most.
You can use vim's built in terminal :terminal
(or :term
; see :help :terminal
), which is probably the easier way:
:term g++-11 %:p && ./a.out<CR>
Or you can use :compiler
with :make
(see :help :compile
and :help 'makeprg'
:compiler gcc
:let $CXXFLAGS='-std=c++20 -Wall -Werror'