My target is to get all circles from dxf
file with 3 information like: circumference, X center, Y center
. So far i am able to get circumference. How can i get Y & X
? This is my current code:
import sys
import ezdxf
doc = ezdxf.readfile("File.dxf")
msp = doc.modelspace()
for e in msp:
if e.dxftype() == 'CIRCLE':
dc = 2 * math.pi * e.dxf.radius
print('circumference: ' + str(dc))
The center of the circle is
as Vec3
object in the Object Coordinate System (OCS). The OCS is the WCS if the extrusion vector is (0, 0, 1), which is the case most of the time for 2D entities.
Sometimes mirrored 2D entities have an inverted extrusion vector (0, 0, -1) in this case, it is necessary to transform the OCS coordinates into WCS coordinates:
for e in msp.query("CIRCLE"):
ocs = e.ocs()
wcs_center = ocs.to_wcs(
x = wcs_center.x
y = wcs_center.y