I am managing audio capturing and playing using java sound API (targetDataLine and sourceDataLine). Now suppose in a conference environment, one participant's audio queue size got greater than jitter size (due to processing or network) and I want to fast forward the audio bytes I have of that participant to make it shorter than jitter size.
How can I fast forward the audio byte array of that participant?
I can't do it during playing as normally Player thread just deque 1 frame from every participant's queue and mix it for playing. The only way I can get that is if I deque more than 1 frame of that participant and mix(?) it for fast-forwarding before mixing it with other participants 1 dequeued frame for playing? Thanks in advance for any kind of help or advice.
I found a fantastic git repo (sonic library, mainly for audio player) which actually does exactly what I wanted with so much controls. I can input a whole .wav file or even chunks of audio byte arrays and after processing, we can get speed up play experience and so more. For real time processing I actually called this on every chunk of audio byte array.
I found another way/algo to detect whether a audio chunk/byte array is voice or not and after depending on it's result, I can simply ignore playing non voice packets which gives us around 1.5x speedup with less processing.
public class DTHVAD {
public static final int INITIAL_EMIN = 100;
public static final double INITIAL_DELTAJ = 1.0001;
private static boolean isFirstFrame;
private static double Emax;
private static double Emin;
private static int inactiveFrameCounter;
private static double Lamda; //
private static double DeltaJ;
static {
private static void initDTH() {
Emax = 0;
Emin = 0;
isFirstFrame = true;
Lamda = 0.950; // range is 0.950---0.999
DeltaJ = 1.0001;
public static boolean isAllSilence(short[] samples, int length) {
boolean r = true;
for (int l = 0; l < length; l += 80) {
if (!isSilence(samples, l, l+80)) {
r = false;
return r;
public static boolean isSilence(short[] samples, int offset, int length) {
boolean isSilenceR = false;
long energy = energyRMSE(samples, offset, length);
// printf("en=%ld\n",energy);
if (isFirstFrame) {
Emax = energy;
isFirstFrame = false;
if (energy > Emax) {
Emax = energy;
if (energy < Emin) {
if ((int) energy == 0) {
} else {
Emin = energy;
DeltaJ = INITIAL_DELTAJ; // Resetting DeltaJ with initial value
} else {
DeltaJ = DeltaJ * 1.0001;
long thresshold = (long) ((1 - Lamda) * Emax + Lamda * Emin);
// printf("e=%ld,Emin=%f, Emax=%f, thres=%ld\n",energy,Emin,Emax,thresshold);
Lamda = (Emax - Emin) / Emax;
if (energy > thresshold) {
isSilenceR = false; // voice marking
} else {
isSilenceR = true; // noise marking
Emin = Emin * DeltaJ;
return isSilenceR;
private static long energyRMSE(short[] samples, int offset, int length) {
double cEnergy = 0;
float reversOfN = (float) 1 / length;
long step = 0;
for (int i = offset; i < length; i++) {
step = samples[i] * samples[i]; // x*x/N=
// printf("step=%ld cEng=%ld\n",step,cEnergy);
cEnergy += (long) ((float) step * reversOfN);// for length =80
// reverseOfN=0.0125
cEnergy = Math.pow(cEnergy, 0.5);
return (long) cEnergy;
Here I can convert my byte array to short array and detect whether it is voice or non voice by
frame.silence = DTHVAD.isSilence(encodeShortBuffer, 0, shortLen);