
for loop in prompt with git command : -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'

im quit new to bash and im trying to do a for loop to find all tags not converted to svn in my git directory.

I've run the following command :

echo < for t in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/tags); do git tag ${t/tags\//} $t && git branch -D -r $t done

However, i've got this error :

-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&&'

i tryed several things like moving the semicolon but its always the same error but with differents characters like &&, done or i have the following error :

-bash: for: No such file or directory

because those are unix commands, i work on cygwin on windows.

Any ideas ?

ps: Im following this tuto : ! thank you for your help :)


  • < is input redirection. To it's right, a file name is expected (or a process specification, which then must be enclosed in parenthesis). In your case, you write the word for to the right of < and with it ask bash to use a file named for to replace stdin.

    Furthermore, input redirection does not make sense with echo anyway, because echo does not process stdin. You are permitted to write a

    echo <abc

    if you want, but bash will only check the existence of the file abc and set up the redirection, and echo will silently ignore it, so there is no purpose in doing this.