
Cannot register my Xamarin forms app using the visual studio distribute function

When I try and follow the follow guide I come to the point where I Register my google api access. The guide presses the button to create a new Client ID, but that no longer works so I have to go to the google cloud platform and create one myself, when I do that I choose a web app Client ID. After I enter the credentials in the Visual studio distribution window I get a Fout 400: redirect_uri_mismatch error: enter image description here

Then I enter this URL into my client allowed redirect url list: enter image description here

and when I try to register again I get the same error because visual studio has used a new port. Is there any way to fix this or tell visual studio to use a certain port?


  • I dident exaclty fix this but I found a workaround by uploading my aab or apk manually.