
How can I enable the cancel button in an electron-built application?

I'm working with an electron application that is built via electron-builder. When I generate the installer and begin installing with it, I see that the cancel button is disabled.

I've looked around at some electron builder documentation and done a few google searches but I seem to be coming up blank here.

edit: Discovered that I can use build/installer.nsh to actually modify UI elements, now I'm just wondering, how do I gain access to the button to enable / disable it, the examples I've seen use an .ini file to store options or something similar, but I'm getting recommendations to use nsDialogs.

Is nsDialogs something that's already readily accessible to me or do I need to import something into my installer.nsh file to use nsDialogs?

And by that token, how would I access the cancel button in nsDialogs?

Is there a configurable value that enables me to... enable that cancel button so users can choose to cancel during installation?



  • NSIS installers do not support canceling the installation when you enter the InstFiles page (or any page after it). This is by design because of how the scripting language works.

    If you don't mind hacks you can call the uninstaller when the user clicks cancel during the install phase:

    Var Cancel
    !include LogicLib.nsh
    !include WinMessages.nsh
    Function .onUserAbort
        StrCmp $Cancel "" +3
            IntOp $Cancel $Cancel | 1
    !macro FakeWork c
    !if "${c}" < 10
    Sleep 333
    DetailPrint .
    !define /redef /math c "${c}" + 1
    !insertmacro ${__MACRO__} "${c}"
    Section Uninstall
    !insertmacro FakeWork 0
    Delete "$InstDir\Uninst.exe"
    RMDir "$InstDir"
    Function CheckCancel
    ${If} $Cancel = 1
        IntOp $Cancel $Cancel + 1
        GetDlgItem $0 $hwndParent 2
        EnableWindow $0 0
        DetailPrint "Canceling..."
        SetDetailsPrint none
        ExecWait '"$InstDir\Uninst.exe" /S _?=$InstDir'
        Delete "$InstDir\Uninst.exe"
        RMDir "$InstDir"
        SetDetailsPrint both
    SetOutPath $InstDir
    WriteUninstaller "$InstDir\Uninst.exe"
    StrCpy $Cancel 0 ; Allow special cancel mode
    GetDlgItem $0 $hwndParent 2
    EnableWindow $0 1 ; Enable cancel button
    !insertmacro FakeWork 0 ; Replace these with File or other instructions
    Call CheckCancel
    !insertmacro FakeWork 0
    Call CheckCancel
    !insertmacro FakeWork 0
    Call CheckCancel
    StrCpy $Cancel "" ; We are done, ignore special cancel mode

    (I have no idea how to integrate this with electron-builder, sorry)

    If you want a proper roll-back installer, try Inno Setup or WiX (MSI).