
How to use a dynamic endpoint while using the validator component of apache camel?

I want to do an xml validation rest service using apache camel, however I want the path to the file to be dynamic but I was not able to do that:

package com.example.XMLValidator;

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import core.ErrorProcessor;

public class XMLValidatorRestService extends RouteBuilder{
        public void configure() throws Exception {
            .process(new ErrorProcessor());


However this code is giving me the following error:

Cannot find resource: ${header.ebmName} for URI: ${header.ebmName}

This is the correct route: .to("validator:file:C:/ISF/trunk/ISFApplications/ServiceBusApplications/Applications/MarriageServiceBusApplication/MarriageSBProject/apps/pers.marriage/ebm/pers.marriage.ebm.marrInfo_1.0.xsd") So any idea how to make this path dynamic? Thank you


  • Instead of to use toD. The toD is used for sending message to a dynamic endpoint.

    Please refer : Camel docs