
'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command, in windows 11

when I'm typing commands which starts with npm, it shows the massage of , "'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command"


  • Download node.js

    First of all Download and install node.js from here

    In windows 11

    There are two ways to do this

    the short way is,

    1. Go to settings

    2. Now you are on System window, click About

    3. Next, Click on Advanced system settings button

    4. Then, Click Environment Variable on the dialogue box

    5. From Environment Variable, Select Path

    6. And then click Edit

    7. click New

    8. At the text box, add ; C:\Program Files\node.js\

    9. Click Ok all the open dialogue box

    Also posted on my own blog: Fix ~ npm not recognized as internal or external command